My name is Natalia and I haven't eaten a dead animal for 3 years and 4 months and i feel great! As a young and impressionable student, studying at Otago University I realised that by not eating animals I could help make the world a better place. If not the whole world, then at least my own and those around me. My first few months were amazing. I started eating alot of whoelgrain rice, pasta, vegetables, rye bread and fruit, overall a very healthy diet in my opinion. I lost weight fast and got fit. My new body loved me for the positive changes and I felt great for not eating animals. Life was good. Throughout the academic year my choice to stop eating animals became more conrete as I learnt about the many environmental problems associated with a western and heavy animal focussed diet. As time went on I only came across more reasons for being a vegetarian. The health benefits were very clear, my insides felt light, I had loads of energy, I would run about 20kms atleast 5 times a week, I'd study and go out and party with my friends, plus I was saving the world!!
Next time - I shall enlighten you on the many benefits of living this life, and I will certainly include some delicious animal free recipes :)