I walked in the door, she was so excited and so was I... I had to close my eyes and then she held this dish filled with bright red crisp capsiums stuffed with a green and creamy looking filling sitting in a herby tomato looking sauce in front of my etyes- which almost popped out of my head by the way!
OMG I was soooo excited, it was too early for dinner and it hadn't been cooked yet but I could hardly wait!!! She gave me a taste of the green filling and it was devine, it tasted soooo creamy (totally Vegan though) and good. She'd made a soupy type mixture using Brocolli, Courgettes, Eggplant and I'm not sure what else (details to come later) then blended it all up.
When Dinner time eventually came around (the capsicums roasted for about an hour) it was a treat, the red capsicums were soft and sooo sweet and the creamy soupy mixture was a perfect combination. The roasted herby potatoes were great too and with a side of mesclun salad, what more could one want!
Recipe to come, bon apetit!!

Yeah Good job Simone :D